Working together to overcome difficulties - the first batch of 50 3-cylinder engines orders was succ


The Jining plant produced the first batch of 50 3-cylinder engines order at the beginning of this month. In the case of shortage of personnel and urgent delivery date, Raywin Technology Department, Quality Department and Manufacturing Department made overall arrangements, and utilized all available manpower and material resources. Finally, with the joint efforts of all of us, we completed our 3-cylinder engine for the first time batch production. The heavy responsibility of mass production guarantees the shipment of this model and smoothly catches up with the customer's delivery date.

Critical moment can highlight the quality of enterprise staff. The key moment can highlight the quality of the staff in the enterprise. The technical department has played a huge role in the production process, which reflects the spirit of teamwork. The staffs of the manufacturing department can complete the tasks with high quality and high quantity under the condition of tight time and urgent task, which is inseparable from the continuous learning of staffs in daily life.Under the leadership of the company leaders, we overcome various difficulties in the assembly process step by step, continue to discuss, learn from each other, and strive for the same goal, this spirit is worth learning! Zhongduanxue、Xiangshijun、Zhengyi and so on .In the process of volume production of three-cylinder engines,  there are a lot of outstanding typical staff came out ,their performance is outstanding, and positive enterprising, work hard, they not only seriously do the job, and positive efforts to learn and share the assembly of multiple processes, ensure the quality of the machine, reduce the defective rate of the problem point, set a good example to other employees, shaped than learning to catch up with the typical for the company.

The essence of teamwork is mutual dedication In a team, only when we continuously contribute our strengths and draw on the strengths of other members, can we stimulate the team's work motivation and everyone's dedication, and let the team's power play to the maximum.